Writing Tools

Writing Assistants

  • Grammarly - Freemium Subscription
  • Hemingway - another grammar writing app
  • ProWriting Aid - Subscription
  • OneLook - A fantastic resource for synonyms and related words. Enter your word and then select Related Words.
  • ChatGPT - AI writing tool
  • Claude - An AI tool that some consider to be more safe, accurate, and secure.

Writing Guides

Scriptwriting Programs

Your scriptwriting program should cover many of your essential formatting issues. Margins, tabs, and title pages are built into many of the apps listed below.

Since there are plenty of free or freemium options (free but paying for it offers a better experience), it's best to try several out before committing (and spending) on just one.

  • Celtx - Although this one is free, be cautious not to pay for the expensive option accidentally. (Mac/PC)
  • Final Draft - pricey and not recommended for when you are first starting out. (Mac/PC)
  • Trelby - free. Open source and a little goofy, but popular with people on a PC. (PC)
  • Writer Duet - A good option, but can be challenging to perform certain functions. (Mac/PC)
  • Arc Studio - (Mac/PC)
  • StudioBinder - I haven't used this one, but it looks like it offers one script on a free account. (Mac/PC)
  • Scrivener - (Mac/PC)
  • Drama Queen - I am not a fan of this one, but I know some students who have liked it. (Mac/PC)
  • Fountain | Highland - a favourite option of mine. Use the watermark version if you’re in my class. (Mac)
  • Slugline - Since I'm on an iPhone/iPad, I use Slugline the most (Mac).
  • Other writing apps
  • Pages Warner Brothers template - free. I'm not 100% on-board with this one, but it was recommended by an old student. If you use it and I don't comment on the look of your page, then you're good. (Mac)