Marking Criteria for Final Script
- 2.5: Less than 3 mistakes are found
- 1.25: 3 to 7 mistakes are found
- 0: 8 or more mistakes are found.
2. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- 2.5: Less than 3 mistakes are found
- 1.25: 3 to 7 mistakes are found
- 0: 8 or more mistakes are found.
3. Story: does it feel complete/does it hit the page count
- 2.5: Complete and between 28-30 pages (not including the title page)
- 1.25: Over/Under page count and one or two scenes of the story appear missing.
- 0: Over/Under page count and there’s an act or section of the story that appears missing.
4. Story: Does it feel dramatic? Not expositional.
- 2.5: Each scene moves the story forward dramatically. No exposition.
- 1.25: 3 or fewer scenes contain sections that either are full of exposition or don’t appear to move the story forward.
- 0: 4 or more scenes contain sections that either are full of exposition or don’t appear to move the story forward.
5. Descriptions and Character Intros
- 2.5: All characters, locations, and unique objects are vividly described and succinctly in all physical introductions. This will include proper ALL CAPS on character’s names
- 1.25: Up to 3 characters, locations, and objects have not been properly described.
- 0: 4 or more characters, locations, and objects have not been properly described.
6. Succinctness/tight writing/white space
- 2.5: Less than 3 blocks of dialogue and action are over 4 lines
- 1.25: 3 to 7 blocks throughout the script of dialogue or action over 4 lines.
- 0: 8 or more blocks throughout the script of dialogue or action that are over 4 lines.